Backpacks instantly and automatically stores and holds your key's while mining. These backpacks also have opening options in them.

Storage Limit Each backpack has a storage limit that can be upgraded with Level Shards to hold more keys.

Open Rate If your backpack is below the Super Rare rarity, you can only open key's at a rate of 2 keys/ps(per second). Happen to slow open and want to cancel it? You may type /slowopenclear to clear all keys in the opening queue.

Super Rare Backpack Rarity If your backpack is the Super Rare rarity, you can instantly open all key's in your backpack.

Multiple Backpacks You can have multiple backpacks in your inventory! All backpacks inside of your inventory will fill up before keys start to enter your inventory slots.

Upgrading Backpack Storage Each backpack has a default storage amount. View the tab below for more information on that. You can increase the storage sizes of any tier backpack, as long as you have the correct amount of Level Shards needed.

To use the Level Shards on your backpack to upgrade the storage, Right-Click the backpack of your choice, and Drag and Drop the Level Shards onto the Enderchest within the backpacks GUI menu.

Look out for Limited Seasonal Backpacks!

Limited Edition Backpacks are released on Holidays, Seasonally or Randomly and are Limited Time Items.

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